(English post in the end)
Arla Foods Ingredients是全球领先的乳蛋白配料方案供应商,总部在丹麦Aarhus。其业务范围为应用于儿科营养、特殊医学食品、运动营养以及各种健康食品的特种乳蛋白原料的研发、生产和销售。
本次 “海外食品华人协会” 有幸邀请到了Arla Foods Ingredients的全球销售总监Jakob Madsen Pedersen博士作为我们本次讲座的嘉宾。Jakob 博士毕业于Aarhus University,专业分子生物学。2012年进入工业界,担任Arla Foods Ingredients的亚洲区业务开发经理,基于自己深厚的技术和专业知识帮助客户实现了产品创新和价值增长。之后成功转型商务,担任全球销售总监至今。
We are very pleased to have Dr. Jakob Madsen Pedersen, head of global sales in Arla Foods Ingredients as the speaker of our webinar.
Jakob got his PhD degree from Aarhus University, majored in molecular biology. In his previously position as business development manager of pediatric nutrition for Asia, he acquired deep and extensive knowledge on infant nutrition market, and have supported many customers on their product innovation and value based growth with his strong technical knowledge and market understanding.
In this webinar, Dr. Pedersen shared his insights on the most potential and prosperous industry- pediatric nutrition industry. Below are some data and facts shared by Dr. Jakob in his presentation.
High global volume, more than 1 million tonnes!
Most profitable market in the global food industry
Growth of 5-10% over past 10 years
Driven by global population growth and demographic and behavioural changes
Around 200 players/companies globally produce IF
Exported between countries and markets
A handful of companies have more than 50% global market share
Sold in all countries around the world
Developed in the 1920’ies but boomed since 1970’ies
Political involvement and ethical considerations – breast feeding is best
A lot of innovation and science drives industry development
An industry developing in a triangle between industry – academia/health bodies and government/regulatory, with the consumer in the middle
Infant formula is produced in typical milk producing countries – America, EU, India, China, Australia and New Zealand
China is the no. 1 country in the world for consumption