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  • 作家相片AOCFP海外食品华人协会

"海外食品华人协会" 海外硕士求职分享会成功举办/AOCFP "Overseas Job Seeking Experience Sharing-MSc session"

(English version in the end)

"海外食品华人协会"与"食品加"联合推出的在线讲座 《“职在必得”求职分享会——海外硕士专场》于2020年9月5日顺利举办。本次讲座特邀四位成功入职中国玛氏、丹麦GEA、丹麦Arla和新西兰New Zealand New Milk的华人硕士分享海外求职经验。


Topic 1食品类硕士该如何规划职业生涯?

  1. 对硕一刚入学的新生有什么建议呢?需要提前准备什么、提高什么样的素质和素养,才能获得世界知名企业的青睐呢?

  2. 我是一名本科生,目前我的职业规划还不是很清晰,所以想要先工作一段时间(1-2年),再根据需要选择对我未来职业发展有用的专业,毕竟硕士也是不小的投资。请问工作后再读硕士,会不会有些浪费时间?

  3. 海外硕士与大陆本土硕士毕业去企业求职,优势很大吗?或者说这些知名企业很看重海外学历背景吗?

Topic 2求职准备阶段

  1. 没有实习经历会影响简历筛选吗?

  2. 请问应该如何寻找真正合适对未来就业有帮助的实习经历?

  3. 专业只是相近不是完全对口的话,获得offer的可能性大吗?

  4. 如何获取招聘信息?如何判定某公司适合自己?

  5. 公司怕招没有工签的人会很麻烦怎么办?


AOCFP successfully held webinar-"Overseas Job Seeking Experience Sharing Seminar- MSc Session"

"AOCFP" and China food social media "Food Plus" jointly held an webinar "Overseas Job Seeking Experience Sharing Seminar- PhD Session" on Sept 5, 2020. This seminar invited four Chinese MSc in food and related majors who have successfully started their career in industry companies such as Mars in China, GEA Denmark, Arla Foods Denmark, and New Zealand New Milk to share their job seeking experience as MSc.

More than fifty students from Europe, Australia and China participated in this 180 minutes event. During the seminar, our guests answered lots of critical questions in connection with job hunting as MSc in global food industries and inspired good discussions among guests and audiences

The event received positive comments from the audiences. We will soon release the key takeaways of this seminar.

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