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  • 作家相片AOCFP海外食品华人协会

“海外食品华人协会”产业讲座:连线丹麦知名乳企Mille Food创始人聊聊婴儿营养行业

(English post in the end)

  • 2012年成立至今,从零成为产品遍布全国一万多家商超的知名奶粉企业

  • 一个中国人在丹麦创业的神奇故事,不是普通贸易,而是在标准最高的婴童食品领域;

  • 一个善于整合各方资源,达成自己目标的公司;

这家企业就是:Mille Food 蜜儿乐儿乳业 (

Mille Food是一家专注于婴幼儿配方奶粉的丹麦乳品公司。它创立于2013年,主要从事婴幼儿奶粉的生产和销售业务。公司旗下产品麦蔻乐享、麦蔻乐冠及蜜儿乐儿自2014年在中国市场上市以来,广受中国母婴消费者好评,线下销售业绩连续3年翻番。

本次6月1日进行的讲座中,我们有幸请到了丹麦Mille Food创始人- Steve Wang和我们分享他创业的故事,以及他对婴童食品产业的独到看法。



Mille Food ( is a Danish dairy company specializing in infant formula milk powder. It was founded in 2013 and is mainly engaged in the production and sales of infant milk powder. The company's products have won wide acknowledgement within Chinese consumers since they were launched on the Chinese market in 2014, and their offline sales have doubled for three consecutive years.

In this webinar held on 1st June, we were honored to invite Steve Wang, the founder of Mille Food, to share with us his entrepreneurial story and his unique views on the global baby food industry.

Steve's deep understanding of the baby food industry and his passion and spirit to overcome various challenges in entrepreneurial process inspired the audience.

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