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喜讯: 协会成员晋级青岛海外人才创新创业项目大赛欧洲总决赛

作家相片: AOCFP海外食品华人协会AOCFP海外食品华人协会

(English post in the end)

海外食品华人协会成员赵梓辰博士递交的 “紫外光非热技术乳品产业化” 商业计划书顺利晋级下一轮欧洲总决赛。





The "Ultraviolet Non-thermal Technology Dairy Industrialization" business plan submitted by Dr. Zichen Zhao, member of the AOFPC, successfully advanced to the European Finals of China(QingDao) Overseas Talents Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. Dr. Zhao graduated from the Copenhagen University in Denmark with a doctorate in food science. Duojian Xie, board member of AOCFP, as project partner and mentor provided valuable advices and guidances for the project and the business plan. We look forward to the project's success in the finals!

China(QingDao) Overseas Talents Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition is to further introduce leading overseas high-tech projects with originality and creativity and attracting high-level overseas talents and talented teams to Qingdao, Shandong to start up businesses and promote innovation and entrepreneurship. This competition is supported by China Association for Science and Technology and the Shandong Province Government. More details about the compeition please refer to the link.

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